Back in the beginning of the 21st century, I started up a webpage. Since it was my personal webpage it became a place to depict parts of me. It contained facts about my family, fan fiction I had written, drawings, fanart, a blog, a guestbook, photos, videos (unedited) and later also became the platform of my Australian experience.
Keeping the webpage updated took a lot of time, but I still liked the idea of having everything in one place. Eventually, real life took control over my time and the webpage fell into abandonment. This is my attempt at revival.
October 7th, 2018
My daughter has been born. And it's been four months (to the day) of lack of sleep, happiness, gratitude, tears and tackling my daughter's lack of sleep. Now I'm finally getting a hang of everything and I have time to do things when the baby sleeps. Website update: Videos have been removed from my video-section due to copyright reasons. I will fix all of this at a later time.
May 28th, 2018
Right now I'm awaiting the birth of my first child. My due date (26th of May) has arrived and passed. While waiting for baby to arrive, I've been finishing up some projects. Naturally, I noticed that this website was in need of some updating. The blog (in Swedish) has been more frequently updated, so take a look there if you haven't been there in awhile. My goal is to add some videos to the Video-section, since that page has not been updated in a while.
December 18th, 2015
The blog has been updated with a new link. The blog is still not done, but at least one can read the old entries (still only in Swedish, but this will change).
roswellfanatics.net is currently down and has been so for the (nearly) past 2 months. Because of this, some of the links in My Stories don't work (since I have linked my stories to Roswellfanatics. I've redirected the links to Wattpad for "Mnemosyne's Daughter", "Prodigal Son", and "Unbreakable". Unfortunately, "Solar Eclipse", "Love by Any Other Name", "Workings of Destiny", and "Broken Wings" are inaccessible since they have not been uploaded to Wattpad.
June 16th, 2015
It's been a couple of really busy months. "Lethal Whispers" is currently being posted at frequent intervals at roswellfanatics.net. I've also started writing another fanfic called "Unbreakable". In addition, I'm currently part of the Wattpad community where I've added "Snapshot", "Mnemosyne's Daughter", "Prodigal Son" and "Unbreakable".
I've also got my own company online. For my Swedish visitors, the link is www.greenbeanproductions.se
January 24th, 2015
I've finally finished "Lethal Whispers". It has, right this second, been emailed to my editor in the US and I will start posting 1-2 chapter per week at roswellfanatics.net (under the nickname maxandlizbeliever) and at fanfiction.net (under the nickname Max and Liz Believer) as soon as the edited version returns to me.
Except for that; I've moved, quit my job as a veterinarian and will now focus on film editing. I started my own company exactly a week ago. So big changes are coming my way...
August 29th, 2014
I'm currently in my last vacation week and I've spent the majority of my holiday writing on "Lethal Whispers". I'm up to chapter 25 and my hope is to have it mostly finished before the end of this week.